Sundarban Safari and Royal Bengal Tiger

Nature is a blessing to human beings. Everything around us that we see which is eternally beautiful and not created by men is the nature. We are a part of the same amazing habitat. Nature has blessed us with the sun, mountains, forests, wildlife, oceans, big and small creatures which complete our life’s circle and crucial for our sustainability. The planet Earth is possessed with many such mighty and extraordinary mystic things and one of them is Sundarban in India.

Sundarban Forests

The jungle of Sundarban is spread across India (West Bengal) and Bangladesh. It’s one of the densest forests in the world which has some of the most dangerous and majestic but on the verge of extinction species. One of them is the Royal Bengal Tiger. The mighty looking tiger is superior to the other tigers found on the planet. Apart from that, the Sundarban National Park houses one of the largest coastal mangrove forests in the world. And the best part is, it is considered a heritage by the UNESCO. You can see several small cascades flowing in the national park, which makes it picturesque throughout the year.


The Sundarban is located at the river basins of Brahmaputra, Padma, Meghna, Hoogly etc. This is why the place is more humid and dense than any other forests in India. The distance of Kolkata from Sundarban is 109 km. One can get there by travelling on the train or by car.

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Royal Bengal Tiger

One of the reasons people visit Sundarban is due to the Royal Bengal Tiger. Interestingly, you can find the various shades of this biggest and wildest cat from the cat family. The white tiger found here steals the limelight, as it is a rare sight. What tourists, who come for jungle safari usually see are the yellowish or orange coloured tigers with black stripes carved on them. The male Bengal tiger can weigh up to 325 kilograms and can be as lengthier as 130 inches including the tail. However, the tigress, on the other hand, is slightly shorter in length (around 104 inches) and weighs approximately 160 kilograms.

The Royal Bengal tiger is considered one of the fiercest hunters. The animal is so astute and sharp that when it attacks a victim, the victim is often caught unaware of the situation and falls prey to the mighty.

Sundarban Safari

Besides the tiger, Sundarban or Sundarban National Parks has other gigantic and predators like saltwater crocodiles and wild boars. If you are going for a Sundarban Safari then you can have fun seeing other wildlife beauties like flying foxes, chital, fishing cats, grey mongooses etc. You can view many birds of a variety of species also viz little stints, lesser whistling ducks, cotton teals, red jungle fowls, great egrets and several others. People who come for the jungle safari get to see king cobras, monitor lizards, king crab, Gangetic dolphins, common toads etc. in reptiles and water animal categories.

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