Perhaps the most controversial religious spot in India is Ayodhya. Located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Ayodhya stands on the banks of River Sarayu in Faizabad district. The place is believed to be 9000 years old and the birthplace of Lord Ramchandra. Hindus believe that Lord Ram is the […]

The culture and tradition of a region can be thoroughly witnessed through its architectures and assemblies. Not being an exception, the temples of Kolkata are a proud display of Bengal’s origin and history. This post is directed towards a list of 8 temples in Kolkata that are worth visiting while […]

Since ages, Hindus have been worshipping the celestial bodies while praying for their rich, healthy and prosperous life. The sun being no exception, Hindus have also been worshipping the Sun God or Surya Dev as their main deity in many parts of India. Several scriptures including the Vedas have inferred […]

Melukote Karnataka is very well known for various temples. The town is regarded as the temple town of Karnataka. The place is close to Mysore. There are two holy temples in the city and numbers of tourists come to visit these two holy temples and get to know about religion, […]

India is a country of many religions, of which Sikhism is one of the most recent ones. This religion emerged under the tutelage of Guru Nanak sometime during the 15th century, which makes this religion only about 500 years old- which is really young when it comes to other religions […]