Travelling To Uttarakhand? All You Need To Know The Latest Travelling Guidelines

If you are travelling to Uttarakhand, Dehradun Smart City Limited website is the new smart option you need to register before travelling to the state.

The beautiful land of Uttarakhand overflows in terms of natural beauty and serenity. Undoubtedly like many other hill stations and towns, travel and tourism is the core industry of this lovely Himalayan state. As the nation unlocks, tourism is one of the key industries that need to get back on its track for Uttrakhand to jumpstart its economy. This is the reason why the state government is making plans to reinstate the tourism sector. In the past few months, the state government had put a stop on travelling interstate. However, now looking at the scenario, the government has come up with some strict guidelines to make the process easier.

State Government Comes Up With Important Traveling Guidelines

Like in most places, it has become a mandate for people to be thermally screened while entering different premises, the same goes for Uttarakhand as well. The tourists need to undergo thermal screening at various entry points of the state. These entry points include airport, bus stop, railway check, border check, and all other possible ways to enter the state. The guidelines issued by the Uttarakhand Government states that “District administration shall arrange the thermal screening of all inbound persons at border check posts, airport, railway stations and border district bus stands.”

As per WHO guidelines, social distancing is a vital method through which the spread of coronavirus can be limited. Uttarakhand has also mandated its tourists to maintain social distancing norms. As per the state government guidelines, “If a person is detected symptomatic then antigen tests are conducted by district administration. If the antigen test comes positive then proper SOP shall be followed. At all times in public places, every person will follow norms of social distancing and wearing of masks.” The guidelines also mention that hotels could tie-up with individual labs to give Covid-19 testing facilities at their resorts or hotels. “It shall be the responsibility of hotel management to ensure that before tourists are allowed to check-in, their Covid-19 test has been done.”

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The state has also mandated its inbound tourists and the public, in general, to register themselves at the smart city portal Dehradun Smart City Limited website before their travel and produce COVID negative reports within 72-hours from the test. Also, the Arogya Setu app has to be compulsorily downloaded and installed in the smartphone of every traveller.

It is essential to upload the relevant documents during the registration process as the nation is still seeing the increase in the surge of the number of new COVID cases. The numbers in Uttarakhand are also not significantly less. With the continuous growth in cases, Dehradun has now crossed over 10,000 patients. As per official figures, the virus rate in Dehradun district is at an average of 31% for the past week. On Saturday, the disease rate was around 40% in Dehradun. The state’s total cases increased to 40,085 and crossed the 40,000 marks.



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