Sultanpur National Park is located in Gurgaon District, Haryana, India. It has an area of 1.43 square kilometres. It is a protected area where over 250 species of birds have been sighted. Sultanpur area on the Farukhnagar Gurgaon road was a low lying marshy area which used to get inundated during monsoons.

Tropical. Hot summers and chilly winters. The monsoon hits Sultanpur in July and continues till mid-September

Migrants includes almost all common ducks who visit Northern India, including, Teal, Gaganey, Northern Shoveller, Pintail and Brahminy Duck. Various species of Storks and ibis as well as Spoonbills are also commonly seen in the park.
Other migratory waterbirds like Sandpipers, Plovers, Black winged Stilt, Green Shank, Red Shanks, etc. also visit this Sanctuary in good numbers. Summer Migrants include Asian Koel, Cuckoos, Golden Oriole, Bee Eaters, and others.
The Sanctuary has a large number of resident Neelgai(Boselaphus tragocamelus Pallas) besides some jackals, porcupines and mongooses.
When to visit
Between October and March. During winter, the chances of sighting the wildlife are more.
Sultanpur is 47 km from Delhi and 16 km from Gurgaon. Delhi has the nearest airport. Gurgaon has a railway station and Metro Railways is likely to connect Gourgaon with Delhi soon. Bus service from Delhi to Gurgaon is frequent and convenie
Where to stay
The Haryana Tourism Corporation runs a tourist lodge inside the park with air-conditioned and general rooms. Facilities include a restaurant, bar and cottages. Rates vary from Rs. 800 to Rs. 1,200 for air-cooled and air-conditioned rooms. Or, stay in Delhi or Gurgaon and drive down to Sultanpur.